Culture & Identity of Costa Rica

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The culture and identity of Costa Rica is quite different from many of the country's neighbors, however the way of life is similar in many ways; in fact the way of life is similar to many countries.
Much of the lifestyle in Costa Rica is based on the economy and jobs in the country. There are a significant number of people that work in agriculture, industry, and services, which leads to numerous work schedules, incomes, and lifestyles. For the small farming population life is heavily dependent on the sun, weather, and the seasons, while for some urban services jobs life revolves around a very set schedule from Monday to Friday.
The industries people find jobs in is also quite diverse, including technology, clothing, and tourism in addition the farming, fishing, and the lumber industries. These jobs do a great deal in determining the way of life in Costa Rica since people spend so much time at work. For nearly everyone though, the hours are fairly regular, working in the morning to the evening, with nights and weekends generally free. Of course some industries, such as the tourism industry, have odd hours and many times require evening or weekend work.