Regional Variations & Specialties
Meze: many small dishes culminating with either seafood or meat dishes; generally included among the dishes are: sauces with bread, cheeses, light appetizers, vegetables, and grilled meats
Souvlaki: pork grilled over a fire
Dining Etiquette

Dining rules in Cyprus? Well there aren't many. In fact, it's so relaxed your host will most likely still be preparing for the meal when you arrive so offer to help out, it's a great way to start the socialization that is demanded while dining in Cyprus.
The best way to start off your visit is by introducing yourself to every person individually then wait to be shown your seat. The strictest rules are that you should not use your left hand to eat or pass dishes and you shouldn't discuss politics or religion. These topics are a great way to ruin a good conversation in the divided country of Cyprus. Other than these basic taboos to avoid, just relax and socialize; dinner may last well into the night.
Tipping is standard in restaurants in Cyprus. Some restaurants will include a service charge on the bill, but if not, about 10% is standard. In upper end restaurants that cater to foreign, primarily British tourists, tipping is standard and should be on the English tipping scales of about 5-10%.