As political changes occurred so too did Greek culture and influence. At times the Greeks were ruled over by foreigners, while at other times it was the Greeks who did the ruling. No matter the position, Greek culture and society vastly changed over time, partially due to outside influences. The primarily Greek-led Byzantine Empire changed the course of history architecturally, culinarilly, and politically. It also led the Great Schism, dividing Catholicism from the Eastern Orthodox churches, which many Greeks still adhere to.
Although Greek political power has fallen over time, their influence remains unmistakable throughout Europe and much of the world. Their historic and present cultures formed much of modern day culture in numerous areas, but this is truer in Greece than elsewhere. Greek foods are still based on the simple flavors of the past, which were partially inspired by foreign introductions. Greek clothing changed over time, leading to the modern pants and shirts common in Greece and elsewhere. Greek architecture was at the core of not only style, but also engineering feats, which led to the modern construction of Greece and the world. The Christian church first used Greek as the language of choice as many adherents were Greek speakers and even today the Greek Orthodox Church is an important part of the lives of the Greeks.
Despite the ties and importance of the historic Greek world on modern day Greek culture, modern technology and the working environment of today has changed the culture to a degree. Despite these changes, which can be found in nearly every country, the Greeks remain more closely tied to their families, friends, foods, and lifestyle than to work and money. It is this reliance on their social lives, their families, and their friends that continues to define Greek culture today as most people would rather enjoy a long drawn out meal with family that discuss ancient philosophy or architectural achievements of the past.