The traditional clothing in Guatemala is a combination of Mayan and Spanish influences and today many of these more Mayan clothes are still worn. For these people the traditional dress is called traje, which has a great amount of variation, which is not a surprise since the people are quite diverse ethnically and linguistically. Although there are numerous differences, there are also many similarities as bold colors dominate, particularly red, blues, and yellows as well as black. The styles are also somewhat similar, a style influenced by European-styled clothing as dresses and long braids on women and simple shirts, pants, and vests for men are common traditional clothing.

Materials at a market
Today many of the ethnic Mayans still wear traditional dress, especially women in more rural areas, but this dress can be found anywhere in the country. More commonly is modern western-styled clothing as many people have turned to this style, particularly in the cities.
As a visitor to Guatemala, dress is fairly casual, especially along the country's beaches. However, business meetings and in churches dress on the more formal and conservative side of the spectrum. Also, sunbathing naked or women sunbathing topless is rarely to never permitted; if in doubt, check with locals before doing so.