
Dingle Peninsula
Ireland has a fairly temperate climate due to its location on the Atlantic Ocean. Also, due to the country's relatively flat landscape, the country has similar temperatures and weather throughout the island.
Winters only fall to about 36˚ F (2˚ C) in Dublin for overnight lows, while days get about 10˚ F (6˚ C) warmer. Summers aren't much better as Dublin generally only reaches daily highs of about 66˚ F (19˚ C). Fortunately, summers usually have clearer skies so temperatures feel warmer. Despite this, the country receives a fair amount of rain throughout the year and it can arrive during any season. This is particularly true along the east coast; the west coast gets more rain than the east, but the majority of it falls during the winter months. Due to the country's rolling landscapes, fog can also come in quickly and this will make the temperature feel much cooler.

Sheep on a cliff
Ireland is home to many birds and fish, but few other animals. There are some mammals, such as mice and rabbits, but few others, while fish abound in the lakes, rivers, and seas.
Birds migrate from both north and south to Ireland along the Atlantic Ocean, making the island nation home to hundreds of birds throughout the course of a year. There are almost no amphibians or reptiles, as no snakes live on the island and only one species of lizard exists.