
Kazakhstan has a true continental climate with hot summers and bitterly cold winters. Summers, from about May to August tend to get the southern Middle Eastern weather patterns with daily averages of about 85° F (30° C), although days can get even hotter and nights tend to be cooler. Only the mountains are cooler than this and these areas at elevation create a welcomed retrieve from this heat. Winters (December to February) though are the opposite extreme as winds blow south from the Arctic and averages are as low as 0° F (-18° C) with day time highs only getting a bit warmer. Springs and falls (autumns) range drastically from year to year and month to month as the winds and temperatures shift between these two extremes.

Kazakhstan is a large and geographically diverse country, making it home to thousands of animal species. Among the mammals here are bears, ibex, gazelles, moose, deer, sable, and hundreds more, many of which are small rodents. The sea life is where the country lacks as it has a number of lakes and rivers, but not with as much diversity. Among the sea life, found both in the lakes and rivers as well as in the Caspian Sea are a number of fish and shellfish.
The bird life is more diverse than the mammals, partially because of the large number of migratory birds that pass through. Of the birds present, grouse, larks, turkey, vultures, partridges, storks, ducks, geese, heron, eagles, falcons, and finches are among the most common. There are few amphibians in the country and not a lot of reptiles either, but reptiles are more common in the more deserted parts of the country, including lizards and geckos. The country is also filled with insects and other animals, including snails, worms, and spiders.