Liechtenstein eventually gained independence through the savvy political moves of the Liechtenstein family. However, to maintain power, the country forged close relations with Austria and later with Switzerland. Even today these relationships are vital to independence and Liechtenstein shares a currency with Switzerland.
In more recent times, the country has encouraged immigration through favorable tax laws, which has encouraged the growth of business as well as wealthy individuals and families, again particularly from neighboring Germanic countries.
Today, the culture of Liechtenstein remains similar to what it has been in the past as it is tied to Austria, Switzerland, and Germany. However, the lifestyle is ever-changing, particularly given the fact that it is becoming a destination for people as the focus shifts to economics and business development. The country's identity remains steadfast in its attachment to being "Liechtensteiners," which is an identity heavily based on being born and raised in Liechtenstein and is among the greatest differences between the locals and foreigners.