• Explore: India!

    India: Taj Mahal in Agra. Go Now!

    India is among the world's most diverse countries, but for many outsiders, the food and the world famous Taj Mahal (pictured) highlight this colorful country. Explore India!

  • Kyrgyzstan!

    Kyrgyzstan: Tian Shan Mountains. Go Now!

    The mountains, including the Tian Shan Mountains (pictured), give Kyrgyzstan a unique culture, partially formed from this isolation from the mountains. Go Now!

  • China!

    China: The Great Wall. Go Now!

    This massive country is home to hundreds of languages, cultures, backgrounds, and foods. Go Now!

  • Explore the: United Arab Emirates!

    United Arab Emirates: "Empty Quarter" desert. Go Now!

    United Arab Emirates
    The "Empty Quarter" (pictured) is among the most daunting deserts in the world. Of course the United Arab Emirates has much more as well. Explore the U.A.E!

  • Myanmar!

    Myanmar: Locals in Bagan. Go Now!

    Explore the historic ruins in Bagan, or meet the local people (pictured), who are friendly and curious to learn about every visitor. Begin Your Journey!

Sources & Special Thanks for Mongolia

Bibliographical Resources

-Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (www.cdc.gov)
-Encyclopedia Britannica. Mongolia. DVD. 2004.
-Hudson, John C, and Edward B Espenshade, Jr., ed. Goode's World Atlas, 20th Edition. Rand McNally. 1995.
-McKnight, Tom, ed. Geographica: The Complete Illustrated Atlas of the World. Barnes & Noble, Inc. 2002.
-PubMed (www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/)

Special Thanks

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