Culture & Identity of Nauru
Nauru has a culture and way of life that seems to be modern in mentality, but traditional in lifestyle. This small island has undergone major changes in the past century due to foreign influence, the growth of the phosphate mines, and now the depletion of the phosphate mines. The traditional way of life was lost to a modern society when the island grew wealthy from phosphate. This change destroyed many aspects of the past culture, but when the phosphate ran out the people struggled to rediscover their historic way of life so today seem to be in limbo; seeking the modern, but rarely able to afford it.
As everyone lives on this single island the land is limited as are jobs. The land is not good for farming so many people make a living off the seas, while others try to find other jobs, such as government positions or jobs in the service industry. For these people, and everyone else, most free time is spent with family and friends as socializing seems to be the best way to pass time, but sports are also popular. Movies, bars, restaurants, and other modern forms of entertainment exist, but in very small numbers and few people can afford them on a regular basis.