The diet is where most of the Nepalese unite; he majority of the people living in the lowlands or the mountain valleys are ethnically related to the Indians and most are Hindu. This faith also has a great amount of respect for animals and many of these people are vegetarian or eat very little meat. Beyond this similarity, the differences among the people are vast in nearly every other way. The country is home to dozens of languages, ethnicities, foods, dresses, and traditions, some of which are more common than others. Even the Hindus in Nepal are diverse as there are dozens of ethnic and cultural groups represented in the country.
The great number of differences in the country provide dozens of sub-cultures and moving from one mountain valley to the next seems to offer varying cultures. Despite the many small differences, the similarities tend to unite the people as most are peaceful people who live off the land to some degree.
Today Nepal remains ethnically as well as politically diverse, but the people share a common trait in that many live off the land and few make enough money to live the ideal lifestyle. Most people struggle financially as many houses are made from any supplies they could find and schools has few resources to improve. Today the poor conditions have encouraged the people to demand more from their government, but they can't seem to agree on the exact direction to move. This leaves many people in a state of despair, yet their kindness and welcoming attitude don't seem to show their economic struggles; little has changed in Nepal for the majority of people, no matter their ethnicity, language, or religion.