In Palauan, the name of the country is Belau, which gets its name either from the Palauan word beluu, which means "village," or aibebelau, which refers to the historic people's creation story of the islands.
The people of Palau have always relied on the lands and seas for survival, but over time nearly everything else has changed. Numerous waves of immigrants over time have altered the culture and lifestyle multiple times, but the arrival of the Europeans, and Christianity, as well as modern technology, communication, and transportation have also made significant impacts.
Being fairly close to the Philippines, the lands of Palau were settled early and it seems the islands were home to numerous immigration waves. However, all these people were similar in that they relied on the land and seas to make a living and the lifestyle was heavily dependent on this. Over time the culture became more uniform, defined, and organized as these ethnically Micronesian people were a matrilineal society.