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San Marino
San Marino is named after the country's founder, San Marino or Saint Marinus. The saint left what is now the Dalmatian Coast (in Croatia) and later fled to Monte Titano to escape religious persecution; founding the country on September 3, 301.
San Marino was founded in 301 when St. Marinus escaped persecution in his homeland (in modern day Croatia). Being a fleeing Christian, many other Christians also fled with him and the region was founded on this religious belief. This founding strongly influenced the culture of the people from the very beginning and this Christian influence continues today in San Marino.
The fleeing Christians founded San Marino due to the mountains and safety from persecution. These lands weren't ideal for farming and agriculture, although the people made the most of the lands and primarily lived off the lands as well as they could. However, trade and communication with nearby people was also important for survival. This combination of internal and external communication continues today as the people strongly cling to each other as Sammarinese, but depend on Italy and others for survival.
Over time the strongest influences on San Marino have obviously come from Italy, yet the Sammarinese have maintained independence by various means. Due to this the people cling to a distinct culture and lifestyle based on their past and their particular mountainous landscape. However, Italian culture has been incredibly influential in so many ways.
The Italians introduced their language, dress, foods, and wines to the people and today many of these influences are still common, as are more recent introductions in the form of technology, communication, and transportation.
However, the Sammarinese never abandoned their historic culture and lifestyle. The traditional dress is differentiated from Italy, there are local foods that are distinct, and the people's mentality is also different from that of Italy as the people are proud of their Sammarinese ethnicity, history, and identity.
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Information for San Marino was last updated: March, 2014 ● View our: Sources & Special Thanks